*23.10 käisin koos oma sõbranna Viktoriaga üle pika aja jälle teatris.Etenduseks oli ühe poola dramaturgi etendus nimega "Testosteroon".Üks parimaid asju mida viimasel ajal teatris olen näinud!Seitse meest arutavad elu ja naiste üle.Kõlab ehk igavana, aga kaugel sellest- hästi naljakas, natuke kurb ja mõtlema panev, kohati isegi liiga ropp...Nagu elugi!
(Üleval pilt etendusest).
*On 23.10 I went to the theater over long time with my friend Viktoria.It was a play form one Polish writer called "Testosterone".One of the best things I've seen lately.Seven men are discussing about life & women.Sounds boring but it was far from it- really funny, a little bit sad & thoughtful, sometimes even too dirty...Like the life itself!
(Above is the picture from the play).
See peaks nüüd olema see koht, kus saaks rahuldatud kõigi nende uudishimu, kes tahavad rohkem teada minust ja minu tegemistest.
laupäev, 25. oktoober 2008
Heli sünnipäev/Heli's birthday
*Minu parimal sõbrantsil Helil oli 17.10 sünnipäev.Otsustasime koos mõnede töökaaslastega talle üllatuse teha.Kuna tal oli just kuu aega tagasi autoavarii ja ta on veel endiselt haiguslehel, siis sai ka sünnipäevakingitus vastav- esmaabi pang.Sisaldades kõike esmavajalikku nagu seep, sool, leib jne.
*My best friend Heli had her birthday on 17.10.Along with some co-workers we decided to make her a surprise.As she had a month ago a car crash & she is still on sickness leaf, she had a propriet birthday present- first aid bucket.Containing all the primary needed things like soap, salt, bread etc.
*Minu suurim huvi oli hoopis Heli tütre akvaarium.Teadagi ju, mina ja loomad:).
*My biggest interest was actually Heli daughter's aquarium.You know me & animals:).
*Meie töökaaslased.Vasakult Eleni, Kaire ja Sirle.
*Our co-workers.From left Eleni, Kaire & Sirle.
*Ja siin on siis ka sünnipäevalaps koos kaardiga.Tagant paistavad vasakul Heli vanem tütar Marleen ja paremal Heli noorem õde Algi.
*And here is the birthday child with the card.On the back are in the left Heli's older daughter Marleen & in the right Heli's younger sister Algi.
*My best friend Heli had her birthday on 17.10.Along with some co-workers we decided to make her a surprise.As she had a month ago a car crash & she is still on sickness leaf, she had a propriet birthday present- first aid bucket.Containing all the primary needed things like soap, salt, bread etc.
*Minu suurim huvi oli hoopis Heli tütre akvaarium.Teadagi ju, mina ja loomad:).
*My biggest interest was actually Heli daughter's aquarium.You know me & animals:).
*Meie töökaaslased.Vasakult Eleni, Kaire ja Sirle.
*Our co-workers.From left Eleni, Kaire & Sirle.
*Ja siin on siis ka sünnipäevalaps koos kaardiga.Tagant paistavad vasakul Heli vanem tütar Marleen ja paremal Heli noorem õde Algi.
*And here is the birthday child with the card.On the back are in the left Heli's older daughter Marleen & in the right Heli's younger sister Algi.
esmaspäev, 20. oktoober 2008
Dobbyl käidi külas/Dobby had visitors.
*Tegelikult toimus see üritus siin juba augusti kuus. Aga kuna oli nii kiire, et endal ei tulnud meeldegi pilte teha, pidin ootama kuni mulle pilte saadetakse.Nimelt käidi siis Dobbyl külas.Liia, minu kutsika kasvataja, rääkis juba kevadel , et plaanivad suvel kõik kutsikad läbi käia ja meile jõudsid nad siis augustis, kaasas kah Dobby ema Lanna ja õde Britty.
*Actually this event took place already in August.But since I was really busy, that I even forgot to take photos, I had to wait until I was sent some pictures.Dobby had some visitors then.Liia, my dog's breeder, told already in spring that they've planned to go to see all the puppies in summer & to us they came in August, along with Dobby's mother Lanna & sister Britty.
*Dobby nõuab sõna- tuldi siis mind vaatama või mitte?:).
*Dobby wants to have a word- am I the one who has been visited or not?:).
*Koos õe Brittyga(Dobby vasakul, Britty paremal).
*With sister Britty(Dobby at the left, Britty at the right).
*Tõnu üritab perepilti teha...Vasakult Britty, Lanna, Dobby ja need kaks jalga kuuluvad Liia abikaasa Tõnule.
*Tõnu tries to have a family portrait...From the left Britty, Lanna, Dobby & these two legs belong to Liia's husband, Tõnu.
*Natuke ka näituse poose.
*A little bit of show standings.
*Minge nüüd ometi ära! Kas te ei näe, et ma olen väsinud?
*Go away at last! Can't you see I'm tired?
*Actually this event took place already in August.But since I was really busy, that I even forgot to take photos, I had to wait until I was sent some pictures.Dobby had some visitors then.Liia, my dog's breeder, told already in spring that they've planned to go to see all the puppies in summer & to us they came in August, along with Dobby's mother Lanna & sister Britty.
*Dobby nõuab sõna- tuldi siis mind vaatama või mitte?:).
*Dobby wants to have a word- am I the one who has been visited or not?:).
*Koos õe Brittyga(Dobby vasakul, Britty paremal).
*With sister Britty(Dobby at the left, Britty at the right).
*Tõnu üritab perepilti teha...Vasakult Britty, Lanna, Dobby ja need kaks jalga kuuluvad Liia abikaasa Tõnule.
*Tõnu tries to have a family portrait...From the left Britty, Lanna, Dobby & these two legs belong to Liia's husband, Tõnu.
*Natuke ka näituse poose.
*A little bit of show standings.
*Minge nüüd ometi ära! Kas te ei näe, et ma olen väsinud?
*Go away at last! Can't you see I'm tired?
laupäev, 18. oktoober 2008
Mida saada jõuludeks?/What to have for Christmas?
Tallinnas/ In Tallinn
*Ehkki olen viimaste kuude jooksul päris palju Tallinnasse sattunud, võtsin seekord nõuks natuke mööda vanalinna konnata.Tavaliselt pole selleks erit mahti olnud.Ja kuna seekord oli mul natuke aega käepärast, tegingi väikse tiiru...
*Though I've been in Tallinn quite a lot in last months, this time I took to mind to hang around Old Town a bit.Usually I don't have much time for it.But as this time I had some free time in hand, I took a little tour...
*Vaade vanalinnale Toompealt.
*Panoramic view to Old Town from Toompea.
*Ja siin asub siis Eesti Riigikogu.
*And this is where is situated Estonian parliament- Riigikogu.
*Nevski katedraal Toompeal.
*Nevski cathedral at Tooompea.
*Osa vanalinnamüürist.
*Part of the Town Wall.
*Raekoja plats koos raekojaga.
*Town square with the Town Hall.
*Selles augus peaks mingi aja pärast asuma vabadussammas.
*In this hole should be after some time Statue of Liberty.
*Though I've been in Tallinn quite a lot in last months, this time I took to mind to hang around Old Town a bit.Usually I don't have much time for it.But as this time I had some free time in hand, I took a little tour...
*Vaade vanalinnale Toompealt.
*Panoramic view to Old Town from Toompea.
*Ja siin asub siis Eesti Riigikogu.
*And this is where is situated Estonian parliament- Riigikogu.
*Nevski katedraal Toompeal.
*Nevski cathedral at Tooompea.
*Osa vanalinnamüürist.
*Part of the Town Wall.
*Raekoja plats koos raekojaga.
*Town square with the Town Hall.
*Selles augus peaks mingi aja pärast asuma vabadussammas.
*In this hole should be after some time Statue of Liberty.
*11.11.2008 sündisid meie kassil Miisil pojad.Nüüdseks on siis veel Ets see kes otsib omale kodule.Mõned variandid on juba olemas, kuid midagist kindlat veel ei ole...Seega, kes iganes huvitatud on võib teada anda...:)
*On 11.11.2008 my cat Miisi had kittens.For now there is still Ets who is looking for the new home.There are couple of possibilities but nothing is certain yet...So, if someone is interested let me know...:)
*Ets on siin kuskil 3 nädalat vana ja uurib esimest korda elu väljaspool oma turvalist pesakasti.
*Ets is here about 3 weeks old & for the first time exploring the life outside his safe nest.
*Koos emaga.
*With mom.
*Ja selline näeb siis uhke poiss praegu välja.
*And that's how the proud boy looks like at the moment.
*On 11.11.2008 my cat Miisi had kittens.For now there is still Ets who is looking for the new home.There are couple of possibilities but nothing is certain yet...So, if someone is interested let me know...:)
*Ets on siin kuskil 3 nädalat vana ja uurib esimest korda elu väljaspool oma turvalist pesakasti.
*Ets is here about 3 weeks old & for the first time exploring the life outside his safe nest.
*Koos emaga.
*With mom.
*Ja selline näeb siis uhke poiss praegu välja.
*And that's how the proud boy looks like at the moment.
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