See peaks nüüd olema see koht, kus saaks rahuldatud kõigi nende uudishimu, kes tahavad rohkem teada minust ja minu tegemistest.
reede, 19. september 2008
pühapäev, 14. september 2008
Metsas/In the forest
- On sügis ja jälle on aeg seenele minna.Viimastel aastatel ei ole mul selleks enam eriti mahti olnud, aga vähemalt korra aastas üritan ära käia küll...Noh, see sügis on juba kaks korda õnneks läinud...Ja hästi palju on puravikke olnud...Minu lemmikud!!! Parim ja lihtsaim viis seente valmistamiseks- võis (tingimata või!!!) praadida puravikke , milledele maitse järgi lisada soola ja hapukoort või jogurtit.Lihtne ja oi kui maitsev!!!
- It's autumn & time for mushrooms again. In last years I haven't had so much time for it, but at least once every year I try to go to the forest...Well, this autumn I have had luck to go twice...And there has been a lot of boletuses...My favorites!!!...The best dish & also the easiest way to cook mushrooms- roast boletuses in butter (definitely butter!!!), add salt & sour cream or yoghurt by taste.Easy & very delicious!!!
Pildil (ülal):Metsas leidub ka muid asju peale seente- sipelgapesi näiteks.
Photo (above): There are far more things in the forest than just mushrooms-ant nests for example.
Pildil (ülal):Looduse kõverpeegel.
Photo (above): Distorting mirror of the nature.
Pildil (ülal): Perekond "Pilvikud".
Photo (above): Family "The Russulas".
Pildil (ülal): Ega ilu ei sobi patta panna.
Photo (above): Old Estonian saying : "Beauty is not for cooking".
kolmapäev, 10. september 2008
Tartu 06.08.2008
Kuna ma olen elanud Tartus, ei olnud see mul mitte esimene ega arvatavasti ka viimane kord Tartus käia, aga vaieldamatult kõige naljakam küll.Nagu alati oli üks asjaosaline jälle Heli. Nimelt tuli temalt idee, et tahaks Tartusse.Kuna mul oli plaanis nii ehk naa puhkuse ajal Tartusse minna, ei olnud mul selle vastu eriti midagist.Otsustasime, et läheme seekord Tartusse natuke ebaharilikku teed pidi, nimelt Türi kaudu.Noh, ja me sattusime ehitutööde peale- nii oma 10 kilomeetrit praktiliselt olematut teed.Mine veel kuskilt mujalt...:)Võin juba kohe ütelda, et kui me tagasi tulime ja harilikku Tartu vahelist maanteed tahtsime kasutada, ei vedanud meil just eriti rohkem.Nimelt ka seal olid ehitustööd ja me pidime ringi sõitma...Aga lahe oli ikkagist.
As I've lived in Tartu it wasn't the first time for me to go there & I can bet not the last either.But the funniest for sure.As always one part of the company was Heli again.She was the one who suddenly came to the idea of going to Tartu. Well, I had planned to go to Tartu during my holidays anyway, so I agreed with her.We decided that this time we won't take the usual road to Tartu, but through Türi this time.Well, we found ourselves in the middle of the road constructions- something like 10 km non existing road .So much of trying to take some other road...:)I can say already now that when we were driving back home & were taking the usual highway, we weren't any luckier either. There were also road works & we had to drive around it...But it was fun anyway...
Kes Eestis ei teaks Tartu Ülikooli ja selle peahoonet oma 6 sambaga? Ka minu "alma mater" mõnda aega.
Who in Estonia doesn't know Tartu University & its main building with the facade if 6 pillars?My "alma matre" for some time as well.
Toomemägi ja Tartu toomkiriku varemed.
Toomemägi & the ruins of Tartu Dome church.
Jaani kirik...
Jaani church...
...ja kiriku kuulsad terrakota kujud. Ühed vähestest , mis on maailmas säilinud.
...and the famous terracota sculptures of the church.One the very few that have been preserved in the whole world.
Heli ja Helen Jaani kiriku tornis.
Heli & Helen at the top of the Jaani chuch.
Ja ega minagi torni ronimata jätnud.Väsinud, aga rahul. (Miks nad need kirikud nii kõrged küll pidid ehitama? Aru ma ei saa...Vaene kellamees!:))
And even I climbed to the tower.Tired but satisfied.(Can't really understand why they had to build churches so high? Figure it out...And boor bell-ringer!:))
"Suudlevate tudengite" purskkaev raekoja platsil.
The fountain "Kissing Students" at the town square.
Vana ja uus...Natuke 19. sajandit...Vähemalt seina peal.
Old and new...A little bit of 19th century...Or at least on the wall.
Tagasiteel tegime peatuse Võrtsjärve ääres...Päikeseloojang.
On our way back we had a stop by the lake Võrtsjärv...Sunset.
Heli koos Marleeniga Võrtsjärve ääres vaatetornis.
Heli with Marleen at the lake Võrtsjärv in the watching tower.
Meie viimane peatus enne kodu oli vahetult enne Viljandit.Igaüks kes teab midagi eesti kunstist teab ka seda puud- kuulus Viiralti tamm.Maalitud surematuks Eduard Viiralti poolt.
Our last stop before the home was just before Viljandi.Everyone who knows something about Estonian art knows this tree- famous Viiralt oak.Painted to immortality by Eduard Viiralt.
As I've lived in Tartu it wasn't the first time for me to go there & I can bet not the last either.But the funniest for sure.As always one part of the company was Heli again.She was the one who suddenly came to the idea of going to Tartu. Well, I had planned to go to Tartu during my holidays anyway, so I agreed with her.We decided that this time we won't take the usual road to Tartu, but through Türi this time.Well, we found ourselves in the middle of the road constructions- something like 10 km non existing road .So much of trying to take some other road...:)I can say already now that when we were driving back home & were taking the usual highway, we weren't any luckier either. There were also road works & we had to drive around it...But it was fun anyway...
Kes Eestis ei teaks Tartu Ülikooli ja selle peahoonet oma 6 sambaga? Ka minu "alma mater" mõnda aega.
Who in Estonia doesn't know Tartu University & its main building with the facade if 6 pillars?My "alma matre" for some time as well.
Toomemägi ja Tartu toomkiriku varemed.
Toomemägi & the ruins of Tartu Dome church.
Jaani kirik...
Jaani church...
...ja kiriku kuulsad terrakota kujud. Ühed vähestest , mis on maailmas säilinud.
...and the famous terracota sculptures of the church.One the very few that have been preserved in the whole world.
Heli ja Helen Jaani kiriku tornis.
Heli & Helen at the top of the Jaani chuch.
Ja ega minagi torni ronimata jätnud.Väsinud, aga rahul. (Miks nad need kirikud nii kõrged küll pidid ehitama? Aru ma ei saa...Vaene kellamees!:))
And even I climbed to the tower.Tired but satisfied.(Can't really understand why they had to build churches so high? Figure it out...And boor bell-ringer!:))
"Suudlevate tudengite" purskkaev raekoja platsil.
The fountain "Kissing Students" at the town square.
Vana ja uus...Natuke 19. sajandit...Vähemalt seina peal.
Old and new...A little bit of 19th century...Or at least on the wall.
Tagasiteel tegime peatuse Võrtsjärve ääres...Päikeseloojang.
On our way back we had a stop by the lake Võrtsjärv...Sunset.
Heli koos Marleeniga Võrtsjärve ääres vaatetornis.
Heli with Marleen at the lake Võrtsjärv in the watching tower.
Meie viimane peatus enne kodu oli vahetult enne Viljandit.Igaüks kes teab midagi eesti kunstist teab ka seda puud- kuulus Viiralti tamm.Maalitud surematuks Eduard Viiralti poolt.
Our last stop before the home was just before Viljandi.Everyone who knows something about Estonian art knows this tree- famous Viiralt oak.Painted to immortality by Eduard Viiralt.
pühapäev, 7. september 2008
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