See peaks nüüd olema see koht, kus saaks rahuldatud kõigi nende uudishimu, kes tahavad rohkem teada minust ja minu tegemistest.
kolmapäev, 24. detsember 2008
pühapäev, 23. november 2008
Üks tormipäev väljas koos Dobbyga.../One stormy day outside with Dobby...
neljapäev, 20. november 2008
laupäev, 15. november 2008
Tartu 09.11.2008
*Sai siis jälle Tartus käidud.Seekord oli siis sihiks koertenäitus...Dobby kasvataja Liia oli koos oma koertega minemas ja kuidagi äkki tekkis mõte, et läheks kah ja vaataks.Olen pea igal aastal käinud koertenäitusi Pärnus vaatamas, aga mitte kordagi kuskil mujal.Tekkis huvi, et kuidas siis ka mujal on ja mis tunne on olla osavõtja , aga mitte külastaja...Ausalt, närviliseks ajab...Ehkki mina ju osa ei võtnud, aga ikka ajas närvi vaadata, kuidas Liial koos Britty ja Lannaga läheb.Ei märganud isegi ühtegi pilti teha...Kuid läks hästi, see mille järgi tuldi see ka saavutati...Oli tõesti erinev ja omamoodi kogemus seoses koertenäitusega.Lõpuks tekkis ikka tõsine kihk ka Dobbyga vähemalt korra ära proovida.Eks näis...Kui Liia koos enda koertega ära läks, jäin veel natukeseks ringi jalutama ja vaatama, mis teised koerad teevad ja lõpuks ka mõned pildid teha:).Ja siis läksin Tartu peale jalutama- ikka ja alati Toomemägi( lihtsalt armastan seda kohta, mis teha!!!) ja siis ka natuke poodides ja õhtuks jälle koju...Tore nädalavahetus oli!
*Again in Tartu.This time I went to see the dog show.Dobby's breeder Liia was going to go with her dogs & so I thought I would like to go as well.Every year I've been to dog show in Pärnu but never somewhere else & so I thought it would be great to see how they do it some other places & beside how is it to be a participant instead of a watcher...To be honest, very nervous...Though I didn't take part of it, it was still very nerve breaking to watch how is Liia doing with Britty & Lanna.I even didn't notice to take any photos...But they did okey, what where their aims, they received & that is the main thing...It was really an interesting & very different experience when it comes to dog shows in my life...I really had a strong wish to go with Dobby as well...But we'll see about that...When Liia left with her dogs I was walking around the show, watching how the others are doing & finally taking some photos:).And then I had some walk in Tartu- always & forever Toomemägi( simply love this place!!!), then some shopping & back home in the evening.Had a wonderful weekend!
*Borsoi ehk vene hurt( seisab ) ja iiri hundikoer (lamab).
*Borzoi(standing) & Irish Wolfhound(laying).
*Parim iiri hundikoer siis sellel näitusel.
*The best Irish Wolfhound at this show.
*Saluki.Kunagi ehk võtaks endale kah sellise.Üks mu lemmiktõuge iirlase kõrval.
*Saluki.One day even might have one of these.One of my favorite breeds beside Irish Wolfhound.
*Inimese kõige suurem sõber:).
*The best friend of the humans:).
*Afganistaani hurt.Oli pikalt minu lemmik koeratõug, kuni esimese kohtumiseni iiri hundikoeraga.
*Afghan hound.For a long time was my favorite dog breed until the first meeting with the Irish Wolfhound.
*Mops mõtleb elu üle järele.
*Pug thinking about the life.
*West Highlandi terjerid.
*West Highland Terriers.
*Śoti terjer, koera ego 10 korda nii suur kui koer ise...Tõeline isiksus!
*Scottish Terrier, dog's ego is 10 times the size of the dog...Real personality!
*Samojeedi koer.Ühed minu ema lemmikutest.
*Samoyed Hound.One of my mom's favorites.
*Kerry Blue terjer.
*Kerry Blue Terrier.
*See on nüüd kas shi-tzu või lhasa-apso.Kuna pole spetsialist, ei oska vahet teha, sest need kaks tõugu on ikka tõeliselt sarnased...Vast ikka shi-tzu...või siis ikkagist lhasa-apso...:)Eks asjatundjad tea paremini...Võib mulle kah teada anda.
*This is here either Shi-Tzu or Lhasa-Apso.As I'm no specialist in those breeds, can't make the difference as these two are very similar...Think it is Shi-Tzu...or was it Lhasa-Apso...)The specialists know better.And they can let me know as well.
*Chihuahua...kah koer...
*Chihuahua...a dog as well...
*Toomemägi, minu lemmikkoht Tartus.Sügiseti kuidagi eriti armas...
*Toomemägi, my favorite place in Tartu.In autumn especially lovely...
*Vaade vanalinnale ja Jaani kirikule Toomemäelt.
*A view to the old town & Jaani church from Toomemägi.
*Rootsi kuninga, Gustav II Adolfi kuju.
*The statue of Swedish king Gustav II Adolf , the founder of Tartu University.
*Sea kuju vana turu hoone ees.
*The statue of the pig in front of the old market house.
*Isa ja poeg.
*Father & the son.
*Koju tagasi sõites sai natuke aktsiooni kah...Esiteks jooksis bussile metskits ette.Õnneks keeras loom kähku tagasi, aga see oli tõesti sentimeetrite küsimus...Ja Torisse jõudes ootas meid selline vaatepilt nagu ülevalt pildilt näha...Rekkale jäi kurv ikka tõeliselt kitsaks ja sõiduautos olnutel oli kõvasti õnne...Keegi viga ei saanud.
*Driving back home included also some action...First there was a goat at the road.Fortunately it turned back but it was the matter of seconds...And in Tori we had the sight as seen above... This curve obviosely wasn't wide enough for this truck & people in the car were really lucky...Noboby got hurt.
*Again in Tartu.This time I went to see the dog show.Dobby's breeder Liia was going to go with her dogs & so I thought I would like to go as well.Every year I've been to dog show in Pärnu but never somewhere else & so I thought it would be great to see how they do it some other places & beside how is it to be a participant instead of a watcher...To be honest, very nervous...Though I didn't take part of it, it was still very nerve breaking to watch how is Liia doing with Britty & Lanna.I even didn't notice to take any photos...But they did okey, what where their aims, they received & that is the main thing...It was really an interesting & very different experience when it comes to dog shows in my life...I really had a strong wish to go with Dobby as well...But we'll see about that...When Liia left with her dogs I was walking around the show, watching how the others are doing & finally taking some photos:).And then I had some walk in Tartu- always & forever Toomemägi( simply love this place!!!), then some shopping & back home in the evening.Had a wonderful weekend!
*Borsoi ehk vene hurt( seisab ) ja iiri hundikoer (lamab).
*Borzoi(standing) & Irish Wolfhound(laying).
*Parim iiri hundikoer siis sellel näitusel.
*The best Irish Wolfhound at this show.
*Saluki.Kunagi ehk võtaks endale kah sellise.Üks mu lemmiktõuge iirlase kõrval.
*Saluki.One day even might have one of these.One of my favorite breeds beside Irish Wolfhound.
*Inimese kõige suurem sõber:).
*The best friend of the humans:).
*Afganistaani hurt.Oli pikalt minu lemmik koeratõug, kuni esimese kohtumiseni iiri hundikoeraga.
*Afghan hound.For a long time was my favorite dog breed until the first meeting with the Irish Wolfhound.
*Mops mõtleb elu üle järele.
*Pug thinking about the life.
*West Highlandi terjerid.
*West Highland Terriers.
*Śoti terjer, koera ego 10 korda nii suur kui koer ise...Tõeline isiksus!
*Scottish Terrier, dog's ego is 10 times the size of the dog...Real personality!
*Samojeedi koer.Ühed minu ema lemmikutest.
*Samoyed Hound.One of my mom's favorites.
*Kerry Blue terjer.
*Kerry Blue Terrier.
*See on nüüd kas shi-tzu või lhasa-apso.Kuna pole spetsialist, ei oska vahet teha, sest need kaks tõugu on ikka tõeliselt sarnased...Vast ikka shi-tzu...või siis ikkagist lhasa-apso...:)Eks asjatundjad tea paremini...Võib mulle kah teada anda.
*This is here either Shi-Tzu or Lhasa-Apso.As I'm no specialist in those breeds, can't make the difference as these two are very similar...Think it is Shi-Tzu...or was it Lhasa-Apso...)The specialists know better.And they can let me know as well.
*Chihuahua...kah koer...
*Chihuahua...a dog as well...
*Toomemägi, minu lemmikkoht Tartus.Sügiseti kuidagi eriti armas...
*Toomemägi, my favorite place in Tartu.In autumn especially lovely...
*Vaade vanalinnale ja Jaani kirikule Toomemäelt.
*A view to the old town & Jaani church from Toomemägi.
*Rootsi kuninga, Gustav II Adolfi kuju.
*The statue of Swedish king Gustav II Adolf , the founder of Tartu University.
*Sea kuju vana turu hoone ees.
*The statue of the pig in front of the old market house.
*Isa ja poeg.
*Father & the son.
*Koju tagasi sõites sai natuke aktsiooni kah...Esiteks jooksis bussile metskits ette.Õnneks keeras loom kähku tagasi, aga see oli tõesti sentimeetrite küsimus...Ja Torisse jõudes ootas meid selline vaatepilt nagu ülevalt pildilt näha...Rekkale jäi kurv ikka tõeliselt kitsaks ja sõiduautos olnutel oli kõvasti õnne...Keegi viga ei saanud.
*Driving back home included also some action...First there was a goat at the road.Fortunately it turned back but it was the matter of seconds...And in Tori we had the sight as seen above... This curve obviosely wasn't wide enough for this truck & people in the car were really lucky...Noboby got hurt.
teisipäev, 11. november 2008
Tunnete tektoonika/Tectonics of the Feelings
*Sai siis jälle teatris käidud...Kuidagi hästi tihti on viimasel ajal sinna asja olnud, rohkem kui tavaliselt.Muidu ikka pingutan, et kas või korra aastas teatrisse jõuaks, aga see aasta on suisa kolm korda juba käia saanud.Seekordseks etenduseks oli siis Éric-Emmanuel Schmitti näidend "Tunnete tektoonika".Lugu mis räägib armastusest, aga mitte selline magus armastuslugu, vaid lugu sellest kuidas üksteise tundeid valesti võidakse mõista ja kuidas sellepärast tehakse ja öeldakse valesid asju. Ning kuidas armastusest saab vihkamine ja kättemaks ja kuidas lõpuks see kättemaks sulle endale ringiga tagasi tuleb...Lugu, mis paneb tõsiselt mõtlema, et mida me tegelikult teeme ja ütleme ja millised tagajärjed sellel võivad olla...
(kõrval pildid etendusest)
*And theater again...It's kind of weird that I've been to the theater so often lately.Usually I try hard to go to see at least one play in the year.But this year it's been already three times.This time it was a play by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt called "Tectonics of the Feelings".It's about love but not the usual sweet love story but how peple can misuderstand each other's feelings and because of that you can do and say wrong things.And how this love becomes hatred and revenge & how the revenge comes back to you in circles...A story that really makes you think what we are actually saying and doing and what kind of consequences it can have...
(in the left are pictures from the play)
(kõrval pildid etendusest)
*And theater again...It's kind of weird that I've been to the theater so often lately.Usually I try hard to go to see at least one play in the year.But this year it's been already three times.This time it was a play by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt called "Tectonics of the Feelings".It's about love but not the usual sweet love story but how peple can misuderstand each other's feelings and because of that you can do and say wrong things.And how this love becomes hatred and revenge & how the revenge comes back to you in circles...A story that really makes you think what we are actually saying and doing and what kind of consequences it can have...
(in the left are pictures from the play)
laupäev, 25. oktoober 2008
*23.10 käisin koos oma sõbranna Viktoriaga üle pika aja jälle teatris.Etenduseks oli ühe poola dramaturgi etendus nimega "Testosteroon".Üks parimaid asju mida viimasel ajal teatris olen näinud!Seitse meest arutavad elu ja naiste üle.Kõlab ehk igavana, aga kaugel sellest- hästi naljakas, natuke kurb ja mõtlema panev, kohati isegi liiga ropp...Nagu elugi!
(Üleval pilt etendusest).
*On 23.10 I went to the theater over long time with my friend Viktoria.It was a play form one Polish writer called "Testosterone".One of the best things I've seen lately.Seven men are discussing about life & women.Sounds boring but it was far from it- really funny, a little bit sad & thoughtful, sometimes even too dirty...Like the life itself!
(Above is the picture from the play).
(Üleval pilt etendusest).
*On 23.10 I went to the theater over long time with my friend Viktoria.It was a play form one Polish writer called "Testosterone".One of the best things I've seen lately.Seven men are discussing about life & women.Sounds boring but it was far from it- really funny, a little bit sad & thoughtful, sometimes even too dirty...Like the life itself!
(Above is the picture from the play).
Heli sünnipäev/Heli's birthday
*Minu parimal sõbrantsil Helil oli 17.10 sünnipäev.Otsustasime koos mõnede töökaaslastega talle üllatuse teha.Kuna tal oli just kuu aega tagasi autoavarii ja ta on veel endiselt haiguslehel, siis sai ka sünnipäevakingitus vastav- esmaabi pang.Sisaldades kõike esmavajalikku nagu seep, sool, leib jne.
*My best friend Heli had her birthday on 17.10.Along with some co-workers we decided to make her a surprise.As she had a month ago a car crash & she is still on sickness leaf, she had a propriet birthday present- first aid bucket.Containing all the primary needed things like soap, salt, bread etc.
*Minu suurim huvi oli hoopis Heli tütre akvaarium.Teadagi ju, mina ja loomad:).
*My biggest interest was actually Heli daughter's aquarium.You know me & animals:).
*Meie töökaaslased.Vasakult Eleni, Kaire ja Sirle.
*Our co-workers.From left Eleni, Kaire & Sirle.
*Ja siin on siis ka sünnipäevalaps koos kaardiga.Tagant paistavad vasakul Heli vanem tütar Marleen ja paremal Heli noorem õde Algi.
*And here is the birthday child with the card.On the back are in the left Heli's older daughter Marleen & in the right Heli's younger sister Algi.
*My best friend Heli had her birthday on 17.10.Along with some co-workers we decided to make her a surprise.As she had a month ago a car crash & she is still on sickness leaf, she had a propriet birthday present- first aid bucket.Containing all the primary needed things like soap, salt, bread etc.
*Minu suurim huvi oli hoopis Heli tütre akvaarium.Teadagi ju, mina ja loomad:).
*My biggest interest was actually Heli daughter's aquarium.You know me & animals:).
*Meie töökaaslased.Vasakult Eleni, Kaire ja Sirle.
*Our co-workers.From left Eleni, Kaire & Sirle.
*Ja siin on siis ka sünnipäevalaps koos kaardiga.Tagant paistavad vasakul Heli vanem tütar Marleen ja paremal Heli noorem õde Algi.
*And here is the birthday child with the card.On the back are in the left Heli's older daughter Marleen & in the right Heli's younger sister Algi.
esmaspäev, 20. oktoober 2008
Dobbyl käidi külas/Dobby had visitors.
*Tegelikult toimus see üritus siin juba augusti kuus. Aga kuna oli nii kiire, et endal ei tulnud meeldegi pilte teha, pidin ootama kuni mulle pilte saadetakse.Nimelt käidi siis Dobbyl külas.Liia, minu kutsika kasvataja, rääkis juba kevadel , et plaanivad suvel kõik kutsikad läbi käia ja meile jõudsid nad siis augustis, kaasas kah Dobby ema Lanna ja õde Britty.
*Actually this event took place already in August.But since I was really busy, that I even forgot to take photos, I had to wait until I was sent some pictures.Dobby had some visitors then.Liia, my dog's breeder, told already in spring that they've planned to go to see all the puppies in summer & to us they came in August, along with Dobby's mother Lanna & sister Britty.
*Dobby nõuab sõna- tuldi siis mind vaatama või mitte?:).
*Dobby wants to have a word- am I the one who has been visited or not?:).
*Koos õe Brittyga(Dobby vasakul, Britty paremal).
*With sister Britty(Dobby at the left, Britty at the right).
*Tõnu üritab perepilti teha...Vasakult Britty, Lanna, Dobby ja need kaks jalga kuuluvad Liia abikaasa Tõnule.
*Tõnu tries to have a family portrait...From the left Britty, Lanna, Dobby & these two legs belong to Liia's husband, Tõnu.
*Natuke ka näituse poose.
*A little bit of show standings.
*Minge nüüd ometi ära! Kas te ei näe, et ma olen väsinud?
*Go away at last! Can't you see I'm tired?
*Actually this event took place already in August.But since I was really busy, that I even forgot to take photos, I had to wait until I was sent some pictures.Dobby had some visitors then.Liia, my dog's breeder, told already in spring that they've planned to go to see all the puppies in summer & to us they came in August, along with Dobby's mother Lanna & sister Britty.
*Dobby nõuab sõna- tuldi siis mind vaatama või mitte?:).
*Dobby wants to have a word- am I the one who has been visited or not?:).
*Koos õe Brittyga(Dobby vasakul, Britty paremal).
*With sister Britty(Dobby at the left, Britty at the right).
*Tõnu üritab perepilti teha...Vasakult Britty, Lanna, Dobby ja need kaks jalga kuuluvad Liia abikaasa Tõnule.
*Tõnu tries to have a family portrait...From the left Britty, Lanna, Dobby & these two legs belong to Liia's husband, Tõnu.
*Natuke ka näituse poose.
*A little bit of show standings.
*Minge nüüd ometi ära! Kas te ei näe, et ma olen väsinud?
*Go away at last! Can't you see I'm tired?
laupäev, 18. oktoober 2008
Mida saada jõuludeks?/What to have for Christmas?
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